Comprehensive Education Law Counsel
As a school board trustee, your path is fraught with legal perils in a number of matters that will come before you. For example, does a student’s conduct outside school hours and off school district property warrant a student discipline or expulsion hearing? Can a teacher be placed on probation in executive session? Does the teacher’s conduct warrant probation or dismissal? What is bias and how does it affect your decision making ability? How is an executive session properly convened and conducted? Can I be a school board member and perform work for the district as a business operator? Do these questions sound familiar? Are they questions that you are prepared to answer?
Education Law is a highly specialized area of the law that few understand or even practice in the state of Idaho, because of the overlaps between state and federal law. In addition, over the last several years, Idaho law in the area of education has been affected by unprecedented changes in the law regarding funding, teacher contracts, negotiations and executive sessions.
Since leaving the ISBA, Steve has continued his work in providing legal services to individual school districts across the state of Idaho. Steve has the education, experience, and expertise to guide school board trustees and administrators through their changing legal challenges.